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selenium 4

Everything you need to know about Selenium 4

In the latest edition of Selenium 4, there are a slew of new features and adjustments to look forward to. we will go through all you need to know about Selenium 4 in this article.
test automation success

The Seven Most Important Test Automation Success Factors in Agile

This post looks at the challenges due to which test automation suffers in agile teams and the points which can make your test automation success in agile teams.
model-based testing

9 Great Tools to work with Model-based Testing (MBT)

Model-based Testing (MBT) approach helps to resolve this and enables expedited generation of test cases and easier maintenance.
codeless automation

Codeless Automation – It’s not truly Codeless

Codeless automation is an excellent solution to solve the expedited testing and automation which helps or enables quicker deployment iterations. This allows you to test an application without writing a single line of code.
JAVA Coe Won't Run

Quick Read: My Java Code won’t run! – The Missing Pre-requisite

Many users, especially beginners complain that they are not able to run their java code. Java installation was successful and everything else seems to...
Execution Notification

Keep up your Automation execution with Prompt notification

In this post we are going to talk about how to enable automation execution notification on Microsoft teams. We are assuming you know basics of curl and also you have result available in your framework.
Selenium Guide

A Quick Refresher Guide for Selenium WebDriver

Here is our attempt to create a brief, very short version to summarize and touch upon all concepts of Selenium. This Quick Refresher Guide...
Selenium Interview Questions

Most Popular 40 Selenium Interview Questions With Answers

Here are some of the most popularly asked Selenium interview questions which are being asked during evaluation for Selenium

CI/CD for Automation Testers

In this post, we are going to focus on concepts of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CD) methods in DevOps. Before going to...

UFT is now UFT One 15.0

Micro Focus has released the new version of Unified Functional Testing (UFT) as UFT 15.0. Micro Focus has named this version as UFT One as part of new UFT Family.
Whats new in testcomplete 14.0

TestComplete 14.0

Last month Smarbear released TestComplete 14.0 with enhanced features and couple of exciting new feature additions. There are major improvements since the last release...

Step by Step Download and Install TestComplete

It's very easy to get the trial package and quickly get started with TestComplete. Start with navigating to Smartbear website/ trial page http://smartbear.com/product/testcomplete/free-trial/ Step by...
Insight Objects

Image Based Object Identification – Insight

Image-based recognition was first introduced in UFT (QTP) version 11.5, which enables the recognition of objects in Application Under Test (AUT) using the “image”...
Parallel Execution in UFT

Parallel Execution with UFT

With version 14.03, UFT got the capability to run parallel testing on mobile, which has been enhanced now with the latest version UFT 14.50,...
UFT 14.50

UFT 14.50 All-New Features

All-New UFT 14.50 UFT 14.50 was released in late August 2018 full of enhanced features. I feel that all of us as UFT practitioners are...