TestComplete 12

Smartbear has released the new and improved version of TestComplete – version 12. Here are some of the enhancements and Improvement in TestComplete 12.


What’s New and Enhanced in TestComplete 12


Object Search Strategy for Find Methods – This option will help search objects faster. There is an Option to choose between the depth-first and breadth-first search orders for Find methods.

This option is available at Project Property or alternatively you can use at runtime with

Options.Run.ObjectSearchStrategy = searchDepthFirst ' or Consts.searchDepthFirst
Options.Run.ObjectSearchStrategy = "Depth-first"

Object search strategy – Specifies the order in which TestComplete traverses the object tree when searching for an object using the Find methods.. Depending on your application, changing this option can speed up the search.

Possible values:

Depth-first – Search as deep as possible in each branch of the object tree before moving to the next branch. This is the default setting for projects created in TestComplete versions up to 11.

Breadth-first – Search level by level: start at a given object, search its direct child objects, then move to the next level child objects, and so on. This is the default setting for projects created in TestComplete 12.


you might like to see more on Find Methods 

Most useful function in Test Complete – FindAllChildren

Extended Find mechanism of NameMapping in TestComplete


Better troubleshooting of “Object not found” errors – TestComplete 12, now has the ability to give you the hint for a similar object in case of script cannot find an object. You can then update the object from the option provided in the test log. 

Looks similar to as we have in UFT – Smart Identification


Extended Support for Text Recognition – TestComplete will be able to recognize text that it cannot recognize by ordinary text recognition using the Direct2D library.


Filtering MSAA objects by window caption – Now you can use window caption along with window class to identify selected objects of specific class using new MSAA engine options.


Windows Scripting Object Wrapper – new wrapped for windows scripting object WScript.Shell allows you to access methods and properties of WScript.Shell with less code. Now you can use WshShell.Run directly.


Support for .Net Framework 4.6.1 – capability to automate .Net applications those are on .Net framework 4.6.1


Improved Code Completion – Code Completion now loads data in a separate thread, so it will no longer hang while retrieving object properties and methods. You can continue typing code while the member list is being loaded.

See also  TestExecute in TestComplete

Smartbear team brings stability to TestComplete by fixing various defects reported earlier.


JavaScript Support – Write, record, run and debug automated tests in JavaScript (ECMA Script 6). Now Javascript appears as another scripting language along with Jscript in TestComplete. Wondering the difference between JavaScript and Jscript? See what John Resig has to say on different versions of Javascript


Oracle Forms Support – TestComplete 12 supports testing of Oracle Forms 11g and 12c. Now you can record and play back tests for Oracle Forms applets that are embedded into web pages or launched with Java Web Start.

There are few others improvements and features have been added to TestComplete

  • Web Testing Improvements
  • Mobile web testing on real devices is now possible
  • improved integration with QAComplete
  • improved Support for third party controls like Telerik Q1 2016, Dev Express, Sencha Ext JS

Take a look at the full list of improvements for more information.


 Free Trial TestComplete 12

TestComplete 12 Documentation



Important to note

  • If you already have an active maintenance subscription for TestComplete, it is added to your account for use automatically
  • The project file format for this version is different, so script created in v 12 is incompatible with the previous versions. This also means that if you will open your script created in earlier versions, v12 will convert the scripts and it will no longer can be used in previous versions. It’s recommended to take backup before converting.


TestComplete 14 is the latest version released in December 2018.



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