In any typical automation tool, Checkpoints are the verification or comparison operations for a particular or overall functionality under test. Lets understand it more clearly with an example. Say, you login to an application and you decide whether your login is successful based on certain characteristics or functionality or an objects state. To perform this check, you will need to compare the current object state to the desired object state. Another example could be if a test simulates user actions for exporting an application’s data to a file, you will need to check whether the file contains valid data. To perform this check, you will compare the resulting file with a baseline copy. using different checkpoints, we add these assertions into the test.

TestComplete provide different types of checkpoint for the verification or comparisons like checkpoints for images, files, object text and properties, XML documents, database tables, etc. You can find these checkpoints in Recording  toolbar.

  • Object Checkpoint -used to verify an object in application under test.
  • Property Checkpoint – used for verifying the value of an object’s Property.
  • XML Checkpoint -to verify an XML document
  • File Checkpoint – to compare files (byte-by-byte).
  • Web Service Checkpoint -verifies a web service’s response.
  • Web Accessibility Checkpoint – Performs various verification actions over a web page, like checking for broken links, use of ActiveX objects on the page, use of the ALT attribute of the IMG tags, use of server-side images and more.
  • Web Comparison Checkpoint -helps to compare the data or structure of the web page against a stored copy.
  • Table Checkpoint -to verify data of a tabular control, such as grid, list view, list box or combo box.
  • Region Checkpoint -compares two images/two Screen areas.
  • Database Checkpoint – helps to verify the structure of DB Table(Rows,Columns,Content).
  • Clipboard Checkpoint — Verifies the clipboard contents.
  • Manual Checkpoint — Provides instructions for the tester to perform a manual check.

These Checkpoints used baseline data for the comparisons, these data is stored into a project item called ‘Stores’
Baseline data for almost all types of checkpoint are being stored into ‘Stores’ project item except the checkpoints that verify object properties.Baseline data for them is specified in tests.


See also  Create your first test with TestComplete


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