Tag: UFT

UFT is now UFT One 15.0

Micro Focus has released the new version of Unified Functional Testing (UFT) as UFT 15.0. Micro Focus has named this version as UFT One as part of new UFT Family.

UFT 14.50 All-New Features

All-New UFT 14.50 UFT 14.50 was released in late August 2018 full of enhanced features. I feel that all of us as UFT practitioners are...

UFT Patch Updates – UFT 14.03

Post the launch of UFT 14.0, there are three patch updates has been released including a number of features and enhancement. Recently Micro Focus...

UFT Jenkins Integration

In our earlier post, we got to know the easy integration of UFT with GIT. This post focuses on the integration of UFT and...

All about Test Combinations Generator in UFT

Test Combinations Generator With UFT 14.0, HPE has added a new feature in UFT Feature stack – Test Combination Generator (let’s call it TCG). Test Combinations...

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