Over the last decade, IT has been transforming at rapid pace towards software lifecycle. Earlier, IT organizations used to follow Waterfall , moved to Agile , then Devops and now DevSecOps . It would not be a new surprise, if more new terminologies tosses up in future. In my opinion, these are more of process change while the core remains the same i.e. development , quality assurance , business , infrastructure team as core components.
While working in QA for more than a decade now, I have experienced that one major challenge that people are facing to report automation test execution report and that become more cumbersome using the new SDLC principle where automation become key for success for any QA organizations. Another major challenge is people are always looking for frequent feedback on test automation execution .
I have been also looking for ways on how we can stop sending these mails and how we can generate automated mails for our test execution . As part of my usual research, I was looking for ways on how we can send these automated mails directly to messenger . One interesting plugin that we find out in Jenkins was Slack notification . This is useful for organization where slack is used as communication preference and Jenkins as CI/CD tool. But what about organization which uses Skype , Microsoft Teams as communication mechanism .
In this post we are going to talk about how to enable automation execution notification on Microsoft teams. We are assuming you know basics of curl and also you have result available in your framework.
- Download Microsoft teams and sign up if you don’t have Microsoft account
- Launch Microsoft teams
- Select teams options once Microsoft teams has launched
- Click on “Create Team” button and create team . For demo we are creating “Automated-360” team and click on Create button
- Add members to teams group as needed
- With teams group you can Create channels . For our demo we will create “Automation” channel
- Click on three dots in parallel with group name and select manage teams options. For our demo group name is Automated-360
- Select Apps –> More Apps option on next screen
- Search for “incoming webhook” and select one of plugin show as Microsoft corporation
- Click Add to team button and select appropriate channel on next screen .
- Select “Set up a connector” option
- Provide name to your connector and click on create button.
- Copy the url generated and click on Done button . You will see highlighted message
- In your automation code you need to pass data in below format. More details can be found here // on macOS or Linux curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d ‘{“text”: “<Result String>”}’ <YOUR WEBHOOK URL> // on Windows. curl.exe -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d “{‘text’:'<Result String>’}” <YOUR WEBHOOK URL>
- Once code is executed you will send execution summary in below format.
Hope this helps.